More2Money specialises in giving support to schools, local authorities and academy trusts in the areas of Resource Management, Health & Safety and Compliance. We are a small, but growing, educational consultancy based in London.
Please follow the links below to access further details.
Our strap line is 'Learning; Growth; Success' as we feel that this is the fundamental purpose of education.
We would love to partner with you on your journey, so if you would like to discuss how this could work please complete the contact form and we will get back to you.
We are experienced in advising schools and trusts on the most effective use of their resources to give the best outcomes possible for the young people.
Schools and trusts can commission us to complete a basic Financial Health Check or a more comprehensive assessment which will be based around the elements within the DfE SRMA descriptions.
Researching options for products and services, obtaining quotes, preparing formal tendering documentation & managing the tender process.
Compilation of asset register, identifying items for capitalisation (academies only), marking of assets, annual audit check of assets.
Record all of your schools contracts and service level agreements in one place. A good practice and useful tool to stay organised.
We will work with internal school staff in identifying sources of external funding for projects. Writing and/or submitting grant applications.
If you need short term cover for a School Business Manager or Finance Officer role we can help. Whether it is due to sickness, a gap between appointments or just an extra pair of hands to get you through a busy period book us in to cover.
We can develop a bespoke offer, based upon a needs analysis. We can help with any aspect varying from managing a recruitment process from start to finish, to drafting a job advert.
In an ideal world schools would be able to arrange an overlap between the departing SBM and the new one, but the reality is that this often isn't possible. Your new SBM may come to you with a range of transferable skills but without the education context. We can create and deliver a customised induction process and mentoring over the first few weeks in post. Helping the new recruit to settle in quickly and make the impact you hope for.
We can assist in assessing current staff structures and advising schools and trusts on the most efficient staffing models to deliver the best outcomes for young people. We can be your partner in modelling and working with you to implement new the structures.
Schools are required to comply with many legislation and statutory requirements. For the most part these are designed to help school leadership manage and control risk and keep everyone safe. Our range of services help you understand your obligations, track compliance and give leaders and governors assurance that everything is in order.
We offer an audit of staff files, single central record and associated recruitment procedures to give you the assurance that you are compliant with safer recruitment processes.
Working with the Governing Board and Senior Leadership to compile and/or maintain a Risk Register, as required by the ESFA's Academy Trust Handbook. Producing and/or updating risk assessments and remedial plans
As part of its emergency plan a school should have a well-rehearsed lock down procedure and business continuity fail safes. Activated in the event of receiving an alert of a local risk, a customised procedure would be developed with the Governing Board and Leadership Team of the school..
Checking that the schools website and prospectus complies with the - School Information (Amendment) Regulations
Inspection of school site from a security/safeguarding perspective, identifying areas of weakness which could be exploited and drawing up an action plan.
Inspections of school sites and/or activities to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation and Health & Safely Executive guidance. Producing a report for Governing Board and Leadership Team with recommended actions to ensure compliance.
There was a time when schools didn’t need marketing because they relied solely on their reputation and word of mouth. As parents now have increased levels of choice in the schools they can send their children to, the competition between schools to attract pupils can be intense. Parents are more tech-savvy and use the internet to support their decision making.
Schools that don’t actively market themselves are destined to be ignored by many parents who would otherwise be greatly interested in what they have to offer. The reputation of a school can be made or broken overnight by an Ofsted Inspection Report or news story.
Effective communication is crucial to any organisation, and schools are no different. With a comprehensive communications plan you’ll be able to promote your school to parents and the community, connect with current students, attract future ones, and even successfully engage staff members.
A solid, actionable plan is critical for school communications success; planning and allocating resources has never been more important. An up-to-date school communications plan will help you utilise the increasing array of tools available to today's school communicators.
We offer a range of services to help schools build consistency and resilience in their marketing and external communications.
Robust financial management is essential in all schools. We will work with you to define your strategic requirements and recommend a bespoke service plan that meets your needs and compliments you internal finance team.
We are familiar with many school financial management systems including SIMs FMS, HCSS Access and RM Finance.